It’s Doc’s day at the school last July 19, 2011 as TCAPS’ schoolkids underwent medical and dental check up. This is in keeping with the school’s mission of a regular wellness examinations and the updating of developmental health and safety issues. But isn’t scheduling medical appointments for these healthy and cheerful faces, when they are feeling fine, seem like a waste of time? TCAPS is aware that the saying “prevention is better than cure” is very true. The school is poised for regular medical check-ups that will pick up any potential problems, in order to be a step ahead in terms of preventing diseases or on-toe for any necessary treatment. To think many large corporations are programmed to have their executives undergo a full medical examination every year, no reason schoolchildren should not have the same equal privilege. While most everyone experiences some degree of nervousness when it comes to seeing their doctor, for many children the time spent waiting for their appointment is a very stressful situation. The longer they wait, the more anxious they become. As they become more stressed and anxiety builds, the waiting time seems longer and the time seems to pass slower. Some light moments with the medical staff can help relieve the nervousness. with Nurse Jonathan Tintero ,,,, One of the sad facts about dental check up in the Philippines is that more than half of the time the reason children don’t see a dentist regularly is because of financial issues. People should understand the importance of having their children seen regularly by their dentist. In most cases, parents prioritize more on a routine check-up with their pediatrician or on some immunization appointment but never consider a routine dental check up to be as important. TCAPS policy of making sure kids are healthy does not stop on a regular doctor visits or immunization. The children’s teeth are important too. Inspecting the ear canal and eardrum MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. From left to right: Dr. Stephanie Anne Abella, Dr. Ruth Cabrera, Dr. Honely Mores, Dr. Ela Camille Romero and Dr. Tecson with TCAPS teachers…